Authority Monitoring Report
We are required to produce an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR). The AMR records the progress of the Local Development Scheme as well as providing monitoring and statistical information on a range of datasets for the annual period running between 1 April and 31 March of the following year.
The report is a key element in effectively monitoring the current Medway Local Plan 2003 and the emerging Local Plan to 2041, measuring how far the policies set out are being achieved. The gap between reports must be no longer than 12 months.
The report comprises 2 volumes:
- Volume one is the main report
- Volume 2 contains detailed data and land availability tables that inform volume one. The last chapter of volume 2 contains a Local Aggregates Assessment as required by paragraph 145 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
View our AMR reports up to 2024
Further information
- Medway Data Hub
- Self-build and custom housebuilding register monitoring and headline data
- Fingertips - Local Authority Public Health Profiles
- GOV.UK research and statistics
- Kent County Council facts and figures
- NOMIS 2021 Census data
- NOMIS: Office labour market statistics
- Office for National Statistics.