This section is for Medway Council tenants.
We're a social housing landlord, providing advice and information to our tenants for council housing.
What you will find
Here you'll find everything you need to know about:
- having a tenancy with us
- paying your rent
- tenancy support services
- community outreach.

Contractor name change
From 10 March 2025, Swale Heating Ltd will be known as Sureserve Compliance South.
Although the name and
We have updated our tenancy agreement and our handbook.Our new tenancy agreements and tenant's handbook
Your home and tenancy
About council tenancies
Tenant services
Repairs and improvement services
Estate services
Homes for Independent Living
Help and support
Get involved
Contact us
- Duty line phone: 01634 333 344 (Monday and Tuesday, 9am to 4pm, and Wednesday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm)
- Tenancy team email:
- Income team email:
- Repairs team phone: 01634 333 601 or free phone 0800 073 0073
- Housing repairs email:
Find out more about the