- Location
Easons Yard
Doust Way
Chargeable between 7am and 1am using cash, contactless or RingGo. - Map
- Park Mark car park
- Short or long stay
- Both Long stay (up to 36 hours) and short stay (up to 5 hours). Please make sure that you use the correct machine and marked bays for the length of your stay.
- Tariff
Monday to Sunday from 7am to 1am.
Short stay
Time period in hours Charge 0 to 1 £1.80 1 to 2 £2.30 2 to 4 £3.30 5 £3.80 Long stay
Time period in hours Charge 0 to 1 £1.80 1 to 2 £2.30 2 to 4 £3.30 4 to 6 £4.30 6 to 18 £6 2 days £10.80 Parking is free for Blue Badge holders.
- Number of spaces
- Short stay (white) 22 and long stay (yellow) 23
- Number of disabled spaces
- 3
- RingGo car parking code
Easons Yard short stay: 79471
Easons Yard long stay: 79472