Toll roads, tunnels and bridges, history and operation
Technical issues, safety implications, economic and political matters and some scary videos Enclaves
Kent in Essex, Worcestershire in Shropshire and many others
An exploration of geographical, political, administrative and cultural pockets across the world
The history of state surveillance using technology - from the 1930s to today's all pervasive snooping
A history of Lord Cardigan: Cad, womaniser, horseman, hero
Understanding the world - examining cultural differences. A methodology for putting the world in context
Shock & upset or the Emperor's New Clothes (warning this talk can ruffle a few feathers!) we examine the "special relationship" with the US, Britain and Europe, foreign adventures and the state of the British economy
An examination of industrial relations in the 21st century, a series of interviews with unions and managements across the UK as part of a university dissertation Underground Britain.
An exploration of interesting things beneath the ground from factories to military to transport.