- Subjects
- The painted garden: The history of gardening as seen in works of fine art
- The Capable Mr Brown: The life and work of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown
- Dig for Victory: Gardening and food production during the Second World War
- An A-Z of garden history: 26 aspects of garden history, one for each letter of the alphabet
- Say it with poison - The history of plants as part of murderer's art
- The ancient garden: Gardens of Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire
- The Devil's garden: Horrible horticultural histories
- The Inexhaustible Mr Paxton - The life of the designer of 'The Great Exhibition'
- Flower power - The symbolism of flowers in art
- Address
409 Sidcup Road
SE9 4EU - Phone
0208 857 9089
- Website
- Fee
£50 - £75