- Subjects
- 1066 and all that - 950th anniversary of coronation of King Harold, (2016)
- 17th Century men of science
- A guided tour of historic Rochester 'Bloody' Mary Tudor's 500th birthday (1516-2016)
- Charles Darwin - his life and voyages and his 'Origin of Species'
- Charlotte Bronte's 200th birthday (1816-2016)
- Christmas in the Middle-ages
- Edith Cavell WW1 spy? (executed October 1915)
- Everyday life in medieval London
- Henry VIII and the reformation
- Isaac Newton
- King John's siege of Rochester Castle and the Baron's War 1215
- Magna Carta 1215-2015, 800 year anniversary Medieval Food - (with a selection of cookable recipes)
- Medieval Gravesend
- Medieval housewives (subject of my first book)
- Medieval merchants & men of trade
- Murder most foul crime and punishment & the Victorian police force
- Mrs Beeton's Victorian Christmas (another of my books)
- Mrs Beeton's Summer picnics (with a selection of cookable recipes)
- Mysteries of Medieval and Tudor medicine - (the subject of my latest book)
- Ration-book Britain - how we lived in the 40s & 50s
- Restoration Rochester (featuring the Dutch raids on the Medway)
- Richard III - King of controversy re-buried in 2015
- The anniversary of Pocahontas
- The apothecary's garden
- They dared to be doctors - the fascinating story of the first Victorian ladies to succeed in a man's world Tudor and Stuart dining
- Votes for women - the struggle for women's rights and the Suffrage movement
- Description
For an additional fee, the speaker can give the talks in appropriate medieval, Victorian or 1950s costume.
- Address
40 Kitchener Avenue
DA12 5HZ - Phone
01474 355 676
- Fee
£85 plus 25p per mile to venues over 10 miles from Gravesend