- Subjects
- Bedrooms, banquets and balls - The history of the English Country house
- Leave no stone unturned - The lives and burial places of the famous and infamous Britain with Betjeman
- English architecture as seen through the eyes of our Poet Laureate Kent churches - an in-depth study of 1500 years of religious heritage
- Sussex churches - a huge variety of ecclesiastical architecture in Downland
- Country Curious Kent - follies and unusual stories from the Garden of England curious London - overlooked aspects of London history
- Eastwards from Wrotham - a comparative topographical study
- The Church's restoration - How our old churches were rebuilt in the nineteenth century
- Churches in retirement - The work of the Churches Conservation Trust and Friends of Friendless Churches Murder, sex and mayhem in English churches
- Description
Frequent visitor to Kent. Mileage charged from Rochester. All of these talks are accompanied by PowerPoint slides.
- Address
Copper Beech
Fairswell Manor
PE33 9ET - Phone
Phone: 01366 348 114
Mobile: 07962 368 062
- Website
- Fee
£80 plus 40pence per mile