Start and finish at Wigmore Library, Fairview Ave, Gillingham, ME8 OPX
Starting with your back to Wigmore library in Fairview Avenue turn left and proceed along the road, over the dual carriageway bridge, until you arrive at the unmade Spekes Road.
Turning left into Spekes Road proceed to the end of this path until you arrive at Black Road Gardens.
Turning right follow the road to Hempstead Valley Drive.
At Hempstead Valley Drive turn right and proceed until you arrive at Hempstead Road.
Turn right onto Hempstead Road.
At the roundabout turn right and follow the path back into Spekes Road. Continue up hill to junction of Spekes Road and Fairview Avenue. (Spekes Road sign on lamp post).
Turn left into Fairview Avenue proceed back over the dual carriageway bridge and follow road back to the start.