Provided by:
Age UK Medway

In January 2015 Age UK Medway launched a new community foot care service, after the success of providing foot care at our day centres.

If you're over 50 foot care becomes even more important, as age takes it's toll. Your skin thins, your joints begin to stiffen and your feet become more vulnerable to the cold. Not to mention the added difficulty from failing eyesight.

You should not have to put up with painful feet. Investing a bit of time and thought into caring for your feet now, can prevent them causing you pain.

We can help you by:

  • cutting and filing toe nails - keeping them at a comfortable length
  • smoothing and moisturising dry and rough skin
  • checking for cracks and breaks in the skin, and inflammation such as blisters
  • looking for signs of infection like nail fungus or other obvious early problems, and seeking professional advice
  • choosing suitable socks and footwear
  • cutting finger nails

The service costs £12.50 for a single session, £21 for couples at the same visit or £15 if you have both your toe and finger nails cut.

The service operates between the hours of 9am and 1pm.

One happy customer said:

It's like walking on air!

If you would like to know more about community foot care please call us on 01634 401 099.

01634 401 099

Admirals Offices
The Historic Dockyard
Main Gate Road

Price from
£17.50 (day centre)
£20.00 single and £33 couple (home visits)