Provided by:
Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK's free Information and Advice Line offers support and guidance to deafblind people, their carers, family and friends, as well as professionals working with people who have a loss of both hearing and sight.

It also provides a service to Deafblind UK's members, who each receive a phonecall three times a year for a general chat and to remind them of the support available through the service.

The Information and Advice Line can also connect you to the relevant team or staff member at Deafblind UK as required.

The line is run by a team of staff and volunteers who can answer queries or provide confidential and impartial advice.

You can contact the Information and Advice Line on 0800 132 320 (freephone).

We are open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm.

01733 358 100