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The Council’s Constitution
Medway Council's Constitution sets out the rules by which the Council works.
Overview and Scrutiny work programmes
Overview and Scrutiny Committees have work programmes which are regularly reviewed and updated.
Overview and Scrutiny briefing notes - Business Support
Members of the council's overview and scrutiny committees may request further information or updates on specific issues raised during a meeting, which are provided as briefing notes.
Overview and Scrutiny briefing notes - children and young people
Members of the council's overview and scrutiny committees may request further information or updates on specific issues raised during a meeting, which are provided as briefing notes.
Overview and Scrutiny briefing notes - health and adult social care
Members of the council's overview and scrutiny committees may request further information or updates on specific issues raised during a meeting, which are provided as briefing notes.
Overview and Scrutiny briefing notes - Regeneration, Culture and Environment
Members of the council's overview and scrutiny committees may request further information or updates on specific issues raised during a meeting, which are provided as briefing notes.