DDaT summary

This strategy gives us a clear vision and direction for DDaT over the next 3 years, which supports our strategy, priorities and values.

It also gives an overview of our current infrastructure and cyber security.

This ensures that data is held securely and can be analysed to provide business intelligence, no matter where it's stored.

In Medway, a lot of our residents are using digital services and technology.

The Labour Force Survey by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), showed that nearly 96% of Medway residents aged 16 and over had used the internet in the last 3 months.

The online share of returns from the 2021 Census also tells us about the digital inclusion across Medway, where an average of 94.4% of returns were made online.

These statistics are very impressive, and we can see from our own data that our residents want to use online services.

This strategy outlines that we can do more to improve:

  • our digital access and inclusion
  • the broadband access and infrastructure in Medway
  • our support for residents to access digital channels
  • our telephone and face to face support (where needed).

To make these improvements, this strategy has 7 guiding principles for change:

The overarching principle running across all our DDaT work that is built into everything we do is:

Security, privacy and information governance.


The objective of this strategy is to support the development of online services that:

  • have been designed for the customer
  • are always available to use
  • are so effective that most customers would like to only interact with us online.

This allows us to design other services and processes around customers that are unable to use digital services, using data to support our decisions.