Choosing a school
You can list up to six school preferences when you apply for schools. This can include schools in or outside of Medway.
Before you apply, you should:
- find out more about primary, infant and junior schools in Medway
- read the admission arrangements for each school to find out how places are offered
- check a school's Ofsted report
- check if schools you’re applying for offer before and after school facilities.
School age ranges include:
- infant schools (year R to year 2): 4 to 7 year olds
- primary schools (year R to year 6): 4 to 11 year olds
- junior schools (year 3 to year 6): 7 to 11 year olds.
Paired schools
Most Medway infant schools are paired with a junior school.
This gives children who attend the infant school a higher priority for a place in the paired junior school.
You will still have to apply for the paired junior school as places are not given automatically.