In school review

An in school review (ISR) is a problem solving meeting held three times a year in each school to discuss the needs of any pupils who are causing concern.

It is usually chaired by a senior member of the school staff such as the special educational needs co-ordinator. The educational psychologist attends, as well as other professionals such as a representative of the Learning Support Service. Education welfare officers, social workers, school nurses, speech therapists, paediatricians or other professionals may be invited for parts of the meeting.

The meeting focuses on pupils for whom additional support or special arrangements have already been made but who continue to experience difficulties with learning or behaviour.

The school staff decide which pupils will be discussed but other agencies can suggest additions to the agenda.

It is the school's responsibility to inform parents or carers that their child will be discussed at this meeting.


With many different professionals present, the needs of those pupils discussed can be considered and recommendations for the next steps can be agreed.

Possible outcomes of the in school review could include:

  • revising a pupil’s provision map or school based plan
  • referring to an external agency
  • continuing to work with parents
  • referring to any of the agencies present
  • requesting that further information be gathered by the school staff
  • meeting with carers and other professionals
  • agreeing an application for a statutory assessment.

A pupil should usually have been discussed at two in school reviews before the school can ask the local authority for a pupil to have a statutory assessment.

The meeting can also consider the needs of the whole school with respect to staff training or any issues that may have arisen.