What is suitable full-time education
Education is considered suitable if it allows children to reach their full potential and prepares them for adult life in their community.
There are many styles of education and you must choose the one that is best for your child.
You do not have to follow the national curriculum and may have particular philosophical, spiritual or religious influences you want to include.
You can teach your child yourself, in small groups with other home educators or employ the help of outside tutors. It is your responsibility as a parent to make sure the home education being provided is helping your child to learn.
Full-time education does not have to follow normal school hours and terms but the Department for Education (DfE) recommend weekly teaching hours of:
- 21 hours for 5 to 7 year olds
- 23.5 hours for 8 to 11 year olds
- 24 hours for 12 to 18 year olds.