
There are a number of ways Medway residents can have their say on services run by the council and decisions being made by the council. Please see below for more information.

Speak to your councillor

You can write to, email or phone your local councillor, a councillor who sits on the Cabinet or a committee which is to consider the matter you would like to speak about.

If you are unhappy about a local matter, you can ask your councillor to raise a 'councillor call for action' so that your views are looked into.

Ask a question

Members of the public can ask a question at a meeting of the Full Council.

Get advice about asking a question at a council meeting, you can then send your question to us, stating which Cabinet Member or Committee Chairman you wish to put it to.

Deadlines for sending in your questions are:

  • 12pm on Tuesday 9 July 2024 for the council meeting on Thursday 18 July 2024
  • 12pm on Tuesday 8 October 2024 for the council meeting on Thursday 17 October 2024
  • 12pm on Tuesday 14 January 2025 for the council meeting on Thursday 23 January 2025
  • 12pm on Friday 11 April 2025 for the council meeting on Thursday 24 April 2025.

We do not have public questions at the council meeting (budget) in February or at Annual Council in May each year.

Organise a petition

Call for action on a specific issue by organising a petition.

Take part in consultation

A consultation is where members of the public are asked to give their views on something that is being decided.

In some cases individuals or groups will be asked to complete surveys and opinion polls or meet to talk about a plan, problem or question.

Medway Council encourages all members of the community to take part in consultation.

Medway Citizens' Panel

A Citizens’ Panel is a sample of local residents who have volunteered to regularly take part in local consultation. The panel is made up of a group of residents who are representative of the area by geographical location, age, sex and ethnicity.

Panel members are contacted to complete surveys four times a year. They could be asked to take part in short polls, digital testing, focus groups or a workshop between these times.

Join Medway's panel to have your say.