Petitions and outcomes

Petitions and outcomes 2023 and 2024

Petition tracker No.

Subject of petition

Date received 

Summary of Medway Council's response

Outcome of review

(if requested) 

30 New pedestrian crossing near the Bridgewood Roundabout, Maidstone Road, Chatham 18 April The council very much supports and promotes sustainable travel, and we work to make our roads as safe as possible for all users. The council’s engineers and officers will undertake a review to consider the concept of a crossing facility at this location in the current financial year. This assessment will consider a number of factors, such as: pedestrian activity in the area, the local safety history, visibility, impact on traffic flow, along with any road layout or physical constraints. We will also consider the availability of funding to support any changes at this location. The Transport and Parking team will aim to update you within the next 6 months. No review requested
29 Medway Council to mitigate the effects for the local community of the proposed road closure of the A228 Frindsbury Hill from 11 March to 21 June 2024. To lessen the community impact, either by shortening the duration of the works or avoiding full road closure for the duration. 7 March 

The decision to close Frindsbury Hill was not one which was taken lightly. Lengthy and frequent meetings took place with council officers and the developer for the school to consider all potential traffic management options so that the school could successfully open in September 2024. The closure was, in the view of the council, the only viable option as it offered the shortest possible timeframe of disruption.

Driver behaviour when faced with a road closure is to utilise the main diversion route or use local knowledge to travel to their destination. To date, 7 days into the closure, this appears to be working well, with only very few issues encountered.

We are providing regular updates to Members and on our social media and actively promoting that businesses are open as usual to assist with reducing the impact these works might have on them.
The bus operators were involved during early discussions; inviting them to meetings that have been held and therefore they have been kept fully informed of the proposed programme of works. This has enabled them to review their operations and provide alternative travel solutions for members of the public.

Officers are holding weekly progress meetings with the developer, focusing on ensuring the highway works are carried out as quickly as possible so that the closure can be removed, and the road re-opened. The developer is also able to utilise weekend working if they can divert resources to also try to bring this project in ahead of time. Officers will continue to mitigate the situation by working closely with the developer and Education colleagues to try and re-open the road at the earliest opportunity.

No Review requested.
28 Save Free Child Swimming 27 February

The council and numerous other councils across the country are facing significant financial pressures. With regard to concessionary swimming for under-16s, the council is not required nor funded by government to provide sports centres and swimming pools. Therefore, there will always be a balancing act between offering opportunities for young people to enjoy swimming and the commercial realities necessary to help meet the costs of supplying such facilities. The council continues to provide a substantial subsidy for sports centres as it recognises their importance to the community and to encouraging healthy, physical activity.

The council overall has to make some really challenging decisions in relation to the services it provides. While having to make this decision, the council is also keen to continue encouraging family swimming; therefore, it will be introducing holiday family swim sessions across its sports centres. These will be designated sessions at which under-16s can swim for £1 when accompanied by a full fee-paying adult and will commence from the forthcoming Easter holidays.

The MedwayGo initiative, which offers a range of holiday activities across Medway - any child who currently receives benefits-related free school meals can attend these for free, plus each child receives a free balanced meal as part of their session.

No review requested.


The council to build floodlights for the skatepark at Cozenton Park in Rainham, Kent. Especially around this time of year when it's getting darker way too early for skatepark riders trying to get better.

29 January

Having carefully considered the request, the Council has decided not to install lighting for the following reasons:

  • The park is currently available dawn until dusk and we do not wish to promote access outside of this period. There have been several reports of antisocial behaviour which have resulted, for example, in the removal of the youth shelter. We believe lighting will draw more users in and increase anti-social behaviour at a time when the park should not be used
  • Cozenton Park is surrounded by residential properties, providing lighting would extend the usage noise into the hours of darkness at a time when residents have been used to a quiet period, free from noise from the park.

No review requested.


Petition in support of Licensing Application 23/02530/MLPL01 120 Maidstone Road, Rochester.

19 January 2024

This petition relates to a Licensing application and will be dealt with under the relevant legislation.

Not applicable.


We the undersigned petition the council to clear Medway's drains of blockages to solve drainage problems when it rains.



2 January 2024

The Council has produced the Highway Drainage Management Plan which sets out its approach to the management of highway drainage, and maintenance for improving our highway drainage. The Council has a robust drainage cleaning programme in place to ensure that the drainage systems are well maintained and that the Council meets all its duties under government legislation.

We appreciate that in recent months flooding has occurred not just in Medway but across the country and the cause of this is not due to the maintenance of drainage systems but to the amount of rainfall which has been experienced which has overwhelmed the drainage systems which are in place. Damaged, blocked, or flooding gullies can be reported on the Medway Council website which will be logged with the Council and actioned.

New developments are designed to carry rainfall events up to and including the 1 in 30 year event plus an allowance for climate change. Legislatively, it is not necessary for sewers to be designed to contain a storm that exceeds this magnitude within existing built developments but unfortunately, we have seen storms in excess of the 1 in 30 year event this year.

It should be noted that not all areas benefit from a formal surface water system which is owned and maintained by Southern Water. In some areas there are no systems other than highways drainage to collect surface water, which then generally goes into a soakaway or privately owned and maintained property specific soakaways. These areas may be more prone to surface water flooding depending on the location, capacity and maintenance frequency of soakaways.


No review requested.



We the undersigned petition the council to Medway Council to offer free bulky waste collections for residents.



2 January 2024

One free bulky waste collection is available to every household in Medway and this service will continue for the next financial year 2024/25. This can consist of up to three eligible items. Details of this service are available on the Medway Council website.


No review requested.


Medway Council to stop the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders associated with Red Route proposals for Chatham, Rainham and Rochester, which we believe will be ineffective at improving traffic congestion and lead to none of the stated benefits and irreparably damage the character of Medway. We ask instead that Medway Council establish a Citizen's assembly on Road Traffic and congestion and work with residents to identify alternative approaches to improving traffic flow, air quality and increasing active travel.

9 December 2023

The Red Routes proposals are part of the Safer, Healthier Streets Programme, which is a key initiative in helping to deliver our Medway Council Strategy 2023 to 2024 and Local Transport Plan. With the increased regeneration, housing and population growth in Medway vehicle numbers and traffic has continued and will continue to grow. To help us meet council policy and the aims set out in the Local Transport Plan it is vital that initiatives and programmes like red routes are implemented if we are to keep a safe and efficient highway network.

As part of the Safer, Healthier Streets programme it is proposed to implement five red routes on key strategic transport links across the network. This involves replacing existing double yellow line restrictions with double red lines across the five routes. All formal parking bays on the routes are maintained,

We are aware traffic congestion is created by multiple factors, including temporary problems like roadworks as well as longer-term issues like the growing number of vehicles on our roads. However, from the public consultation we were told by 804 respondents that they had experienced dangerous and inconvenient parking along these sections of carriageway despite the presence of double yellow line restrictions. Removing these occurrences from the network will aid towards improving road safety and the flow of traffic.

Medway prioritises meaningful engagement to ensure our community is involved in the decisions that impact them. Following this feedback, we have redesigned the scheme to help provide better facilities including an additional 5 loading bays.

The full response will be published on the Council website in due course.


No review requested.



Medway Council to provide a safe (zebra) crossing across pump lane outside Rainham Mark Grammar School.


13 November 2023

The Council promotes walking and cycling and recognises the potential benefits for people’s health and well-being. Sustainable travel is a major part of our response to Climate Change.

The Council will consider how it could make walking and cycling along Pump Lane easier and safer, including the potential for a Zebra crossing and respond to the lead petitioner with the result of this work in the new year. If a crossing on Pump Lane is feasible, it could form part of the Council’s work programme for the next financial year.

No review requested.


Medway Council to revisit the safety, security and wellbeing of users in such a way as to stop motorcycles and quad bikes accessing green space in Chestnut Avenue, Chatham.

19 October 2023

The Public Space Protection Order addressing the issue of nuisance motorbikes is progressing and will be enforceable very soon. This will permit the Council and Kent Police to issue fixed penalty notice to those involved in such activities.

We have also asked our Greenspaces contractor to carry out a feasibility study of placing restrictors/ barriers on the site to discourage access to vehicles and as part of our partnership programme we have asked Kent Police to undertake an increased level of engagements on this issue in this location.

No review requested.


Medway Council to urgently review the need for traffic calming measures along the length of the Ratcliffe Highway from Fenn Corner to the Parish boundary with Allhallows.

19 October 2023

The Council works to support safe road use and prioritises safety interventions to help reduce and prevent harm on the highway. The safety history of Ratcliffe Highway has been investigated and during the last three years of available police records, one injury collison has been recorded throughout this section of road.

Regrettably, there are other locations within Medway that are currently recording poorer ongoing road safety problems. The Council is therefore unable to progress the requested alterations at this time. Please rest assured the safety record of this location will continue to be monitored.

At the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny meeting held on 14 December 2023, the Committee noted the petition responses and referral request.

The Committee recommended that officers undertake a speed survey on the Ratcliffe Highway (where they consider it to be most appropriate) and report the findings back to Councillor Spalding and the Committee.



Medway Council need to review the need for 30 MPH fixed traffic speed cameras in both directions on the Ratcliffe Highway. The blind bend makes it very difficult for vehicles to safely turn right. This is due to the bend obstructing the view of any approaching vehicles. There are heavy lorries speeding into the blind bend just before the junction. This is even more dangerous for pedestrians crossing the road there as well.


31 August 2023

The Council recognises the importance of making our roads as safe as possible and works to help support everyone travelling safely.

In order to consider your request, the Council’s safety engineers and officers will undertake a review of this location as requested. This will include investigation of the local collision history. Medway Council continually monitors police reported personal injury collision records, in order that we can work to target and reduce people being harmed whilst travelling on Medway’s Roads.

We will add this review to our work programme for the current financial year.

No review requested.



Medway Council to make Laburnum Park more secure against the travellers encampment. It took the Council too long to get them to leave and no one could use the grounds. The gates there are obviously inadequate.


25 August 2023

There are no known reasonable ways or materials to absolutely prevent travellers breaking into any greenspace, the only practical action is to deter them from a site with physical obstructions.

We have asked NORSE to arrange the installation of new height barriers/gates at the entrances on Winston Road and Laburnum Road to substantially width restrict access to deter the admittance of caravans.

No review requested.



Medway Council to put up a speed camera along the Lower Rainham Road near the Three Mariners' car park/traffic lights or at the bottom of pump lane. There are speed signs but they are ignored.


15 August 2023


The safety history of the location in question has been investigated. The Council can report that during the last three years, one collision of slight severity has been recorded in and around this part of the Lower Rainham Road.

Whilst Kent Police remain responsible for speed enforcement within Kent and Medway, Medway Council works in partnership with them in relation to the deployment of fixed speed cameras, with speed cameras within Kent and Medway targeted at those locations with poor safety records in terms of road casualties. This is to ensure that the focus of speed camera activity is helping to reduce and prevent road user injury, rather than issuing speeding fines.

Regrettably, there are other locations within Medway that are currently recording poorer ongoing road safety problems. The Council’s approach is to tackle those locations in the first instance. We are therefore unable to progress the requested alterations at this time.

No review requested.


Medway Council to remove the bottom gate at Bligh Way Park and replace it with a fixed barrier such as a fence or bollards to stop travellers from gaining access to the park.

1 August 2023

The area, like all Greenspaces remains vulnerable to unauthorised encampments with physical damage being used to gain access.

As an interim measure the Council has requested NORSE to explore the possibility of placing concrete blocks near the site entrance to substantially restrict access of the site.

An approach that could be explored by the Authority in high-risk areas is naturalising sites by strategically planting more trees to create small woodland areas creating natural barriers.  This would, however, possibly require the partial change of use of large, grassed areas. Officers will raise this possibility with the relevant Portfolio Holder.

No review requested.


Medway Council to change parking restrictions in Carpeaux Close, Chatham to residents parking only at all times.

20 July 2023

The Council will review the current restrictions and undertake an informal survey to establish the views of residents.

It is anticipated that the Parking Team will be able to update the lead petitioner within the next six months.


No review requested.


Medway Council to support a pelican crossing outside All Saints CofE Primary School to ensure the safe road crossing of children, parents and the local residents.

19 July 2023

The location in question has previously served as a School Crossing Patrol (SCP) site which continues to be the most appropriate form of crossing provision in meeting the needs of the school community.

When the site became vacant last year, officers undertook an assessment in line with the morning school drop-off and afternoon collection times. The assessment considered driver and pedestrian behaviour, including vehicle speed, and pedestrian crossing waiting times.

The Council were able to appoint an SCP to serve outside the school on Magpie Hall Road. Regrettably, the patrol withdrew from the position within the first week, the SCP vacancy has been re-advertised.

The Council’s Sustainable Transport Team will continue to liaise closely with All Saints C.E. Primary School and the Parking Enforcement Team.

Officers will also approach the neighbourhood policing team to serve as an additional presence at school drop-off and collection times and to help deter inconsiderate parking behaviour within the school vicinity.

No review requested.



Petition the council to take action immediately to secure Beechings Park from Travellers entering.


14 July 2023

The Council has spent over £20,000 on securing the park, including the installation of metal hoops and a height barrier to make egress more difficult.

Additionally, the council has recently installed metal hoops behind wooden posts following an occasion when access to the site was achieved by the removal of such a post.

Notwithstanding this statement, the area like all Greenspaces remains vulnerable to unauthorised encampments with physical damage being used to gain access.

An approach that could be explored by the Authority in high-risk areas is naturalising sites by strategically planting more trees to create small woodland areas creating natural barriers.  This would, however, possibly require the partial change of use of large, grassed areas.  Officers will raise this possibility with the relevant Portfolio Holder.

No review requested.






We the undersigned petition Medway Council to introduce double yellow at the junction of Cavendish Road and Cecil Road, Rochester.

30 May 2023

The Council has considered your request to introduce double yellow lines and the junction of Cavendish Road and Cecil Road and has added it to the work programme for 2023/24.


No review requested.




The Council to resurface the road on Elm Avenue and Broadwood Road, Chattenden.

4 May 2023

When considering a road for resurfacing an inspection is undertaken and priority 1 roads are automatically selected for resurfacing. Elm Avenue and Broadwood Road were assessed as a Priority 2, unfortunately this means both roads would not be considered for resurfacing.

An annual inspection regime is in place and will respond to any defects that arise throughout the year and arrange repairs as necessary.

The Council has previously raised the issue of the leak referenced in your petition with Southern Water who are investigating the issue and are due to be on site on 31 July. The delay is due to Southern Water arranging for a road closure to undertake the works. The Council will continue to press Southern Water for a resolution to this issue.


No review requested.


The Council to provide a zebra pedestrian crossing at the bottom of Pump Lane at the junction with Beechings Way, Rainham.

2 May 2023

The Council recognises the importance of making our roads as safe as possible and we appreciate this busy location requires pedestrians to take great care when crossing the road.

Safety engineers will undertake a review of the location including a survey of pedestrian and vehicle movements and an assessment of existing highway conditions, layout and infrastructure.


No review requested.


Petition Objection to planning application MC230707 Birling Avenue, Rainham.

20 April 2023

This petition relates to a planning application and is being dealt with under planning legislation.


Not applicable.


Petition to stop development of 3 x 3 bedroom terraced houses at land of rear of 30-38 Iden Road, Frinsbury.

3 April 2023

This petition relates to a planning application and is being dealt with under planning legislation.

Not applicable.


Parking in Baron Close, Gillingham.

27 March 2023

Baron Close is a public highway and benefits residents of the close and residents of Pier Road by providing a rear access to that road and garages.

The Council has a duty to consider requests for off road parking by creating dropped kerbs and all costs associated with such requests are borne by the resident.

Off road parking via dropped kerb can free up space for people to use by reducing demand for on street parking. Therefore, the construction of a dropped kerb has not altered the number of available spaces.

As we cannot create more on street spaces on our roads residents without off road parking must find a space where one is available.



At the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny meeting held on 15 June, the Committee noted the petition responses and referral request.

Following consideration of the report the Committee requested a feasibility study in relation to parking accessibility for residents on Baron Close and Pier Road, including a review of the use of the garages. This would be undertaken in consultation with ward councillors and the petitioner.


Resurface James Road, Cuxton.

20 February 2023

When considering a road for resurfacing an inspection is undertaken and priority 1 roads are automatically selected for resurfacing. James Road was assessed as a Priority 3, unfortunately this means James Roads would not be considered for resurfacing in the foreseeable future.

An annual inspection regime is in place and will respond to any defects that arise throughout the year and arrange repairs as necessary.

No review requested.


Medway Council to work with Post Office management to secure a new high street location for Rochester Post Office.

19 January 2023

The Council agreed that local services like the Post Office are important to residents and has taken steps to secure a new high street location for the Post Office.

The Council had attempted to make contact with the Post Office. The Rochester Community Hub is a potential excellent location for a Post Office and the Council is open to discussion on how that may work. 

No review requested.


Repair the large sunken damage to Berengrave Lane opposite the new Queens Court development, Rainham.

19 January 2023

The defect in Beregrave Lane was bought to the attention of Council in November 2022 and work was planned to take place in December. Unfortunately, the weather and other works taking place on Berengrave Lane caused a delay however works took place beginning 30 January 2023.

Should the depression be the result of works undertaken by the utility supplier the Council has robust procedures to recharge the costs incurred.

No review requested.


Medway Council together with Kent Police to take urgent action to reduce speeding and traffic accident frequency on the A230 Maidstone Road/Horsted Way between The Ridgeway and the A229 Junction, Chatham.

19 January 2023

The approach is to tackle those locations with the poorest safety records first. During the most recent 5 years of available police records, there had been one collision reported involving road user injury. This means there are other locations within Medway that are suffering poorer ongoing road safety problems and unfortunately, we are therefore unable to propose road alterations in this area at this time. The safety record of this location will continue to be monitored.

At The Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Meeting on 21 March, the Committee noted the petition responses and referral request and the appropriate officer actions, as set out in the report and as highlighted during the meeting, officers undertook to review the road markings and signalling at the location.


Medway Council to change the process of how residential parking permits are applied for in a way to save people money in the current financial crisis.

11 January 2023

In the last 18 months permit application processes have been reviewed and can now be completed online which has sped up the process. We have considered the proposal to allow residents to print permits however this is not possible as permits are printed on specialised paper to prevent fraud.

No review requested.


Petition in support of planning application MC/22/2510: Containers onsite at Port Werburgh, Hoo St Werburgh, for residents living on boats and residential homes.


9 January 2023


This petition relates to a planning application and is being dealt with under planning legislation.

Not applicable.


Previous petitions and outcomes

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