Press and public

Watch the livestream

If for any reason you're unable to attend a meeting in person, council meetings are livestreamed on the Medway Council YouTube channel, these streams are also available after the meeting for 6 months.

Details of the livestream will be on our website ahead of each meeting. See the Medway Council meetings calendar.

Attend in person

If you want to attend a meeting in person please make sure to check the venue as we use a range of locations across Medway.

Details of the venues will be on our website ahead of each meeting. See the Medway Council meetings calendar.

Reporting and filming

Members of the press and public are entitled to report on this meeting except where the public are excluded, as permitted by law. Reporting includes filming and recording of the proceedings and use of the internet and social media such as tweeting and blogging to report the proceedings.

If you want to film the proceedings you should contact our media team in advance on 01634 332 736 or by email at

Please sit in the front row or other designated area if you wish to report on the meeting.

If you're attending and do not wish to be filmed or recorded please sit at the back of the public seating area.