Medway Matters

Medway Matters is the council-produced magazine published 3 times a year and delivered to every household in Medway. 

Medway Matters is packed with news, information and lifestyle features for residents. It includes:

  • a comprehensive What's On pull-out section
  • council news updates
  • competitions
  • details on how to contact local councillors
  • dates of council meetings
  • community news
  • contact details.

Advertise in Medway Matters

There are a range of advertising opportunities in Medway Matters for local organisations and partners.

Advertising in Medway Matters will cost:

  • £500 for a quarter page 
  • £900 for a half page 
  • £1700 for a full page
  • £2000 for an inside front cover full page
  • £3000 for a double page feature
  • £5500 for a four page feature  
  • £2250 for a back page only.

To find out more phone 01634 334 490.

Medway Matters distribution

The council aims to distribute Medway Matters to every household in Medway.

The council's distributors do not deliver to any property that displays a sign saying the occupier does not want to receive free newspapers or where the distributor could be at risk - from an aggressive dog, for example. The delivery agents are also told not to deliver if the paper cannot be fully pushed through the letterbox, as this could put the security of the property at risk.

Medway Matters is not delivered to business properties.

If you would like to receive Medway Matters but have not had your copy delivered, email

Comment on Medway Matters

If you would like to comment on Medway Matters, email