We work with external partners to address enforcement issues and provide services that make Medway a safe and secure place to live, work and visit.

We want to ensure our residents feel safe and have created a Community Safety Plan, which describes how we will help to reduce crime and disorder in Medway.

If you're worried about your safety and need help urgently, call 999.  If it's not an emergency, call the Police on 101 or contact Kent Crime Stoppers anonymously with information about crime on 0800 555 111.

Community Safety Partnership (CSP)

Medway CSP was formed in 1998 in response to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which places a duty on the council, the police and other public agencies to form a crime and disorder partnership.

Medway CSP works to make Medway a safer place. Partners work together to develop and implement strategies to protect communities of Medway from a range of issues including anti-social behaviour, drug or alcohol abuse and re-offending.

The partnership consists of:

Download the CSP Action Plan

For further information you can also read the full Community Safety Plan and the Kent Police and Crime Plan.

Community groups keeping Medway safe

Various community groups and associations across Medway also help with keeping the towns safe:

Online safety

The Think U Know website provides information on all types of electronic communication, including:

  • mobile phones
  • gaming websites
  • social networking
  • podcasts
  • blogs
  • file sharing
  • P2P TV.

It also provides advice about how to report incidents and stay in control while online.