This is the content on the back of a business rates bill or recovery notice from Medway Council:
Payment methods
If you already pay your business rates by Direct Debit you do not need to do anything. The instalment amounts shown on your bill will be collected on the dates shown.
Save time by paying your business rates by direct debit. This is the easiest and safest way to pay, just complete the online form at and choose from three payment dates.
For bank transfer our bank account number is 00000000 and sort code 57-17-50. Use your payment reference number shown on the front of this bill as the reference.
You can pay online using a credit or debit card at or by calling our 24-hour payment line 01634 334 477 (you cannot use the payment line if your payment reference number includes an X).
Payment by cheque can be sent to the address on the front of this bill. Write your payment reference number on the back of the cheque. If you want a receipt, send a stamped and addressed envelope with the cheque. Do not send cash by post.
General information about your business rates
You can find information on how your money is spent at
For further details on business rates (non-domestic rates) including the reductions that are available, go to Explanatory notes are also available on our website by clicking on the link ‘Business rates booklet’. If you require a hard copy please email
Change in circumstances
If you move or there are any other changes that affect your business rates please let us know by emailing
Rateable value
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is responsible for assessing the rateable value of your property. If you think your rateable value is wrong, you can check the facts about your property held by the VOA before deciding whether to challenge it or appeal. For further details please visit or call 03000 501 501. Please note that you must still pay the amount shown on this bill even if you decide to appeal. If your rateable value is reduced any overpayment will be refunded to you.
Contact details
01634 332 222 (pay by phone on our 24-hour payment line 01634 334 477).
Data protection
The information that you provide will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Medway Council will not disclose information to unauthorised persons or to third parties for marketing purposes. However, because of our duty to protect public funds, information may be shared with council departments and other public service organisations. This may include data matching. For further information visit our website and search Data Protection.
Help us to stop fraud
If you know someone is claiming a reduction in business rates that should not be, report it in confidence at or email