Brownfield registers include up to date information on previously developed sites that are appropriate for residential development, under the criteria set out in the Brownfield Land register legislation.

The government requires local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed brownfield land. The aim of this is to boost the supply of housing land and to deliver plans for increased house building.

Permission in principle

As part of the production of the brownfield register, where appropriate, brownfield sites have the opportunity to be granted 'permission in principle' if considered suitable, available and if they can provide residential development.

Permission in principle is where the consideration of matters for the principle of proposed development is separated from the technical details, providing an alternative route to obtaining planning permission.

At the current time, we have not granted permission in principle for any sites on our brownfield register.

Find out more about permission in principle on GOV.UK

View our brownfield register

The brownfield register is divided into 2 parts:

  • Part 1 lists all brownfield sites considered suitable, available and achievable of delivering residential development. This includes sites both with and without planning permission
  • Part 2 only includes those sites where the council have decided to trigger the granting of permission in principle. At the current time, the council has not entered any sites onto Part 2 of the register.

Download the current brownfield register 

View sites currently on the brownfield register

The data is provided under the Open Government Licence.

The information in the register is correct at the time of publication, January 2025. It contains 57 sites which could provide up to 2,427 dwellings. We'll carry out an annual update to the register in line with the government guidance.

Work is currently being carried out on the Land Availability Assessment which will inform the outcome of some of the sites listed in the brownfield register. This information will be shown on the register when the annual update takes place.

Register a site for the brownfield register

If you have any sites you would like to be considered for inclusion on the brownfield register, contact us by emailing or write to us using the details below. 

Write to: Planning Policy, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR