Arches (Chatham) adopted Neighbourhood Plan

The Arches Chatham Neighbourhood Plan was adopted as part of the development plan for Medway at the Annual Council Meeting on 15 May 2024.

The Neighbourhood Plan is used along with the Medway Local Plan to determine planning applications in the Arches Chatham area.


Referendum results

The referendum asked the question:

"Do you want Medway Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Arches Chatham to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

More than 50% of voters, voted in favour of the plan and the Neighbourhood Plan will now be made part of the statutory development plan for the local area.

The Arches Chatham Neighbourhood Plan was passed:

  • 727 for
  • 107 against.

Download the declaration of results of referendum.

Find out more about the referendum.