Tenant commitments
We have been working with our Resident Scrutiny Panel to design our new customer commitments to make sure we provide the best service for you, your home and your community.
Our tenant commitments are broken down into 5 parts.
Respect - Our officers will treat you and your family with respect, being polite and courteous.
Communication - We will communicate with you regularly and make sure communication is as easy as possible.
Accessibility - We will continue to make our services as accessible as possible, working with residents to identify and remove barriers.
Support - We will support you to manage your home and money.
Your home
Providing a competent workforce - We'll make sure our officers and contractors are well trained.
Easy to identify - All our staff or staff working on our behalf will show ID.
Sharing our performance - We'll show residents how we are performing with repairs and compliance.
Reacting to your concerns - Someone will visit your property if you report concerns such as damp and mould in your property.
Checking you are happy - We will make sure you're happy with any work that is done in your home, ask for feedback, and use this to improve our services going forward.
Your community
Investment in your community - Our officers will visit estates regularly to make sure they are well kept, and issues are identified. Our Estate Wardens from Norse will work to keep our estates clean and well maintained.
Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) App - Those reporting anti-social behaviour have access to an app to report ASB at anytime.
Staff Awareness - We'll make sure our staff are trained and aware of the latest best practice and guidance.
Your say
Clear complaints process - We'll make it easy for you to make a complaint if things go wrong.
Engagement - We'll make sure there are many ways to get involved including surveys, events, or our scrutiny panel.
Influencing - We'll provide opportunities to have a say in how our services are run.
Publish and act on Tenant Satisfaction Measures - We'll publish our survey results and details of how we responded to them.
Your commitment to us
Respect - We ask that you treat our officers with respect.
Speak up - Let us know if you are having trouble with money, repairs or something else as soon as possible so we can help and support you.
Allow us access - This allows us to carry out safety inspections, repairs and install improvements.
Pay your rent - This allows us to fulfil our commitments to you.