An HMO is a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from one household, such as a family, but share facilities such as a bathroom and kitchen.

Find out more about HMOs on GOV.UK.

The Housing Act 2004 requires large HMOs to be licensed to ensure minimum standards of safety and maintenance.

View Shelter’s guidance about HMO standards.

When you need an HMO licence

An HMO needs to be licensed if it has 5 or more tenants, forming 2 or more households and using shared facilities such as toilets, bathrooms and kitchens.

View the landlord’s guide to HMOs.

Public HMO register

The Housing Act 2004 requires that local authorities hold and maintain a public register of all registered HMOs.

View a redacted version of the HMO register.

Full HMO register

We hold and maintain the full HMO public register at the main council offices at Gun Wharf in Chatham.

To view the full HMO public register, you'll need to make an appointment and pay beforehand.

Full HMO register viewings cost £51.77.

Contact the team at to make an appointment.

You cannot use the register for marketing or any similar purposes as the licence holders and managers have not given their permissions for their details to be used in this way.

Pay by cheque or online banking

You can pay either by cheque or using your banks online website.

To make a payment, you'll need to quote:

  • sort code: 57-17-50
  • account number: 000 00 000
  • reference: 124E25095027000000