Cemeteries in Medway
We have 4 cemeteries in Medway which are all suitable for burials, cremated remains and memorials.
Our cemeteries:
- Chatham, Maidstone Road: 40 seating capacity
- Gillingham, Woodlands Road: 60 seating capacity
- Rochester, Maidstone Road: 40 seating capacity
- Strood, Cuxton Road: 50 seating capacity.
Opening hours
- Monday to Saturday: 1 April to 30 September, 9am to 7pm
- Monday to Saturday: 1 October to 31 March, 9am to 4.30pm
- Sunday (all year): 9.30am to 4.30pm
- bank holidays and public holidays: 9.30am to 4.30pm.
Visiting the cemeteries
We ask all visitors to act respectably and keep in mind that there may be burials taking place. To respect visitors please:
- keep away from staff working and away from any open graves
- do not remove any warning signs or safety markings, even on graves you’re caring for
- keep to the roads and paths
- do not park or drive over grass verges
- dogs are welcome, but keep them on a lead and clean up after them.
When planting flowers and shrubs:
- only plant small flowers and shrubs
- do not plant anything that has thorns or is poisonous
- do not plant anything that might extend past the grave and interfere with other burials.