Update your contact or personal details
You must tell us if your name or contact details change so we can update our disabled parking bay record.
You can use our online form to update your details if:
- we installed the disabled parking bay
- you're the person who made the original application and live at the property the bay is registered to.
Tell us about a change
You'll need to tell us:
- your property address
- if you consent to us checking your address on the Council Tax record. If not, you must provide proof of address documents that are dated within the last 12 months. Documents we accept are:
- a Medway Council Tax bill
- utility bills
- bank statements
- your Blue Badge details, including serial number and expiry date
- what details need updating. If you need to change your name, you’ll need to upload proof. We accept:
- marriage certificates
- divorce certificates
- name change certificates
- passports
- driving licence.
Update your disabled parking bay details
You can also contact us by calling 01634 333 433.
What happens after
We'll review the information you provide. We'll complete our address and Blue Badge checks and verify the change of details.
If the information provided matches our records we'll update your details and let you know.
If we have any questions or require further information we'll contact you.