
Changes to house numbering and road naming incur different charges depending on the nature of work.

Streets and roads

Type of charge Fee (£)
Name a new street or road £231.90 per street or road
Amend a street or road name (excluding advertising cost and replacement SNPs) £882

New residential property (including flats and maisonettes) or business unit

Type of charge Fee (£)
Register 1 plot or unit £88.90
Register 2 to 10 plots or units £69.70 per property or unit
Register 11 or more plots or units £697 standing charge for first 10 properties or units
Additional plots or units above 10 £46.50 per each additional property or unit
Amend previously confirmed naming and numbering schedule and resend £29 per property or unit

Existing residential or business unit (including flats)

Type of charge Fee (£)
Amend property name or number £88.90 per property or unit (includes flats)
Register an existing unregistered property £69.70 per property or unit