You can report issues with damaged street furniture, lighting and bus shelters. You can also request a new bus stop, change in road signage or new crash barrier.
Road marking requests
We receive many requests for yellow lines and each site is assessed, with priority being given to schemes with a history of injury related accidents. Your request will be retained on file and included within a future traffic regulation order for safety schemes.
Permanent signs
When a request is received to erect signs to provide directions, we will carry out a survey, identify possible locations for the signs, design them and provide the applicant with a quotation.
If agreed, the signs are made and erected and the invoice is then sent to the applicant.
A sign is not an advertisement but a means of giving a direction of travel. For example, we would not erect a sign directing people to one particular supermarket store, but would provide a sign denoting 'superstore'.
Temporary signs
When someone requests permission to erect temporary signs, our Traffic Management Unit will check the locations suggested before making a decision.
Bollards and barriers
Local demand for bollards far outweighs the money available, so only a limited number of street furniture schemes are approved each year on a strict priority basis. We will assess the site and give a rating to determine its position in the priority list. Your request will remain on file.
Subways are cleaned once a month and any irregularities, such as lights not working, are reported back to the Structural Engineer or Street Lighting Engineer for rectification.