There are 2 types of speed checks in Medway:

  • safety camera checks
  • speed counts.

Safety camera checks

These can be fixed or mobile and are used at many locations across Medway.

They are funded by and operated on behalf of the Kent and Medway Safety Camera Partnership.

Speed counts

These are laid across the road and record the speed of passing traffic and number of vehicles.

Speed counts can also be used for intelligence-led enforcement. For example if there are many comments from the public on a particular stretch of road, a speed count can be carried out.

If this shows high speed is a problem, a report will be passed to the police and steps taken to enforce the speed limit at this location.

Kent and Medway Safety Camera Partnership (KMSCP)

The KMSCP is responsible for the operation of safety cameras - speed, red light, Speed Check Enforcement System (SPECS) and mobile - in Kent and Medway.

The partnership was formed in 2002 and has 4 partners:

Fixed safety camera sites are in place where 3 or more people have been killed or seriously injured in speed-related crashes, over a 1.5km stretch of road, in the 3 years prior to installation.

Where you see the black and white camera signs but no fixed camera, the signs are warning you that a safety camera van may be enforcing along that stretch of road.

Safety camera vans operate in areas where at least one person has been killed or seriously injured in a speed-related crash or crashes, over a 5km stretch of road, in the 3 years prior to installation.

Visit the Kent and Medway Camera Safety Partnership website:

  • if you have received a speeding ticket
  • want to know where safety cameras are
  • need more information about speed awareness courses.

Speed Awareness courses are delivered by Kent County Council with a course location in Medway.

Find out more about speed limits on GOV.UK.

Community Speedwatch

Community Speedwatch lets groups of concerned residents help reduce high vehicle speeds on their roads.

Volunteers will be trained on how to monitor the speeds of passing vehicles using portable speed indication devices.

The scheme is only for roads with speed limits of 20, 30 or 40 miles per hour (mph).

Find out more about Community Speedwatch and how to get involved.