What Medway Council will do

To help set up a walking bus, we'll:

  • carry out a risk assessment of the routes selected by the school to make sure they're suitable
  • give access to resources that schools can use to help start a walking bus
  • offer walking bus guidelines to volunteers
  • support the walking bus coordinator with any training
  • provide high visibility tabards (subject to resource and funding) for those taking part in a walking bus, allowing clear visibility of the bus along the selected routes
  • support every walking bus initiative in Medway to help improve the route to school and promote sustainable transport.

Local Education Authority (LEA) schools who have purchased Medway Council’s insurance package will benefit by registered volunteers being covered under the employers and public liability insurance policy. Non-LEA schools and clubs will need to provide their own liability insurance for any walking bus volunteers.

For more information about setting up a walking bus, including arranging a route risk assessment and sourcing tabards, please contact the Transport Initiatives Team by emailing transportinitiatives@medway.gov.uk.