Schools own free meals
If you are applying for free school meals at any of the following schools or academies, you will need to contact the school directly.
The following schools currently process their own free school meal applications.
Primary, infant, junior schools and academies
- Balfour Junior Academy - 01634 843 833
- Kingfisher Primary School - 01634 661 540
- Lordswood School - 0300 065 8250
- Napier Community Primary Academy - 01634 574 920
- Oasis Academy - 01634 850213
- Phoenix Junior Academy - 01634 829 009
- Saxon Way Primary - 01634 852 320
- The Academy of Woodlands - 0300 065 8200.
Secondary schools and academies
- Fort Pitt Grammar School - 01634 842 359
- The Hundred of Hoo Academy - 01634 251 443
- Rainham School for Girls - 01634 362 746
- The Rochester Grammar School - 01634 843 049
- The Robert Napier School - 01634 851 157
- Strood Academy - 01634 717 121
- The Thomas Aveling School - 01634 844 809
- The Victory Academy (formerly Bishop of Rochester Academy) - 01634 303 005
- Holcombe Grammer School - 0333 360 2130.