Register to vote

Find out if you’re already registered to vote

If you pay Council Tax or have a library card, this does not mean you’re automatically registered to vote.

Find out if you are already registered to vote

Why register to vote

Registering to vote means you have a right to vote in local, national and European elections, and referendums.

Who can register to vote

You can register to vote if you are:

  • 16 or older (although you cannot vote until you are 18 years old)
  • a British citizen
  • an Irish, eligible Commonwealth, or European Union citizen living in the UK.

To vote at a UK Parliamentary general election, you must be a British, Irish or an eligible Commonwealth citizen.

You're responsible for registering yourself.

A revised register is published on 1 December each year and is updated every month between January and September.

If you are not already registered, or have moved to an address in Medway since the Register was published, you must re-register at your new address.

Register now

When you register you will need to have your National Insurance number to hand.

Register to vote on GOV.UK

Change of name

If you have changed your name since registering to vote, please contact us on to update your details on the register.

What address you should register

When registering to vote you must give your home address.

If you have moved to a residential home, this should be the address you use.

If you live an equal amount of time in two properties, for example if you're a student, you can register at both your home address and student accommodation address, but you must not vote more than once in the same election.

You can still register to vote if you do not have an address, for example if you're homeless.

Find out about voting without a fixed address on GOV.UK