We have successfully secured £11.1 million from the Government's Local Growth Fund through the South East Local Enterprise Partnership to improve the road network and journey times on the A289 between M2 junction 1 and the Medway Tunnel.
The works on the A289 will:
- increase capacity and provide full signalisation and pedestrian crossing facilities at Four Elms roundabout
- include a free flow slip road from Wainscott Bypass to Four Elms Hill
- include a free flow slip road from Frindsbury Hill to Wulfere Way
- include additional lanes on Wulfere Way between the Sans Pareil and Four Elms roundabout
- realign the Wainscott Road Junction from Sans Pareil roundabout to Frindsbury Hill
- include an additional exit lane onto Berwick Way for right turning traffic
- enforce reduced speed limits along the entire route
To support Medway Council’s successful bid for £170million of Housing Infrastructure Fund, we have considered how both schemes will work with each other to avoid unnecessary abortive works. Abortive works are works that are started but are no longer needed for the final development.
Find about more about the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF).