The main purpose of the designated premises supervisor (DPS) is to ensure that there is always someone available, among other Personal Licence holders employed at the venue, to take day-to-day responsibility for running the premises. This person will deal with the responsible authorities for problems associated with the premises licence.
In every licensed premises that is authorised for the sale by retail of alcohol, one personal licence holder must be specified as the DPS. A DPS does not have to be present at the licensed premises at all times but they must be easy to contact when not present.
The government considers it essential to summarise the role of the Designated Premises Supervisor under the Licensing Act 2003 and has produced a fact sheet for your guidance.
The DPS must be easily contactable by any of the responsible authorities. If the DPS is not going to be at the premises, they must leave contact details with their staff.
It is also best practice to notify your staff that you are the DPS of the premises. If anyone wishes to discuss any issues about the premises, they should contact you rather than discuss it with your staff as the information may not be forwarded correctly and it may be seen that you are not dealing with matters.
If the council and police licensing team are unable to contact you in a reasonable timescale, it may result in further action. For example, it could be seen that you are in breach of a mandatory condition of your licence and you may face prosecution and/or your premises may be reviewed to remove you as the DPS.