We deliver a wide range of enforcement services aimed at safeguarding the environment and the community and providing a ‘level playing field’ where businesses can fairly trade. The administration and enforcement of the licensing regime is one of these services.
Enforcement concordat
We fully support the principles of the government’s enforcement concordat designed to ensure effective and efficient public protection services and are committed to follow the principles of good enforcement practice by carrying out regulatory functions in a fair, open and consistent manner.
The enforcement concordat is based on the principles that businesses should:
- receive clear explanations from enforcers of what they need to do and by when
- have opportunities to resolve differences before enforcement action is taken, unless immediate action is needed
- receive an explanation of their rights of appeal
We recognise that the interests of both individuals and the requirements of businesses, and will work closely with partners to help licence holders comply with the law and the four licensing objectives it seeks to promote. Fair and firm action will be taken against those who commit serious offences or persistently break the law.
Kent and Medway Licensing Compliance and Enforcement Protocol
The Committee adopted the Kent and Medway Licensing Compliance and Enforcement Protocol on 22 July 2014 in respect of the relevant legislation and licenses covered at any time by the Licensing Team.
This protocol had been established with organisations that we work in partnership with on licensing compliance and enforcement issues. The Kent and Medway Regulatory Licensing Steering Group, have formalised these protocols including liaison agreements and effective practice by way of an agreement between all relevant parties.
In adopting this document the parties agree to:
- continue to promote the spirit of co-operation that exists between the relevant agencies
- recognise the benefits to be derived from developing close working relationships
- seek to enhance the understanding of the advantages and opportunities which joint activity can bring to effective enforcement and community safety
- promote the legitimate exchange of information and operational co-operation in support of shared objectives.
Each party to the protocol will:
- regularly consult with each other upon matters of policy and strategy
- ensure that the information it holds is accurate and up to date
- ensure that information disclosed by any party is kept secure by the partner who has provided it
For more information contact Licensing Unit by phoning 01634 306 000 or by emailing licensing@gravesham.gov.uk
Write to: Licensing Unit, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR
When handling the media, all parties to this protocol agree to:
- be fair to other organisations and maintain their integrity
- provide information honestly and fairly
Legal information
This information is not legal advice. Legislation and procedures may change over time and the advice given is based on the information available at the current time. It is not necessarily comprehensive and can change based on further government guidance and regulations. This advice is not a definitive guide or substitute for the relevant law.
We are happy to provide information but cannot give advice on individual applications. Please seek legal and professional advice.