Cross Activity Exemption is only available to Local Authority, Hospitals, Schools and Travelling Circus.


No licence is required between 8am and 11pm, with no limit on audience size for any entertainment taking place:

  • on the premises of the local authority where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the local authority
  • on the hospital premises of the health care provider where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the health care provider
  • on the premises of the school where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the school proprietor
  • at a travelling circus (excluding films and a boxing or wrestling entertainment) if it takes place within a moveable structure that accommodates the audience, and that the travelling circus has not been on the same site for more than 28 days in a row

Third-party music entertainment

No licence is required for a performance of live music or the playing of recorded music on local authority, hospital or school premises, that are not domestic premises, between 8am and 11pm on any day as long as:

  • it is performed in front of an audience of no more than 500 people
  • a person concerned in the organisation or management of the music entertainment has been given prior written consent of the local authority, health care provider or school proprietor for that entertainment to take place

It is for these “trusted providers” to determine whether, or not, they wish to make their premises available for music entertainment by a 3rd party and on what terms they deem it appropriate.

For more information contact Licensing Unit by phoning 01634 306 000 or by emailing

Write to: Licensing Unit, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR