Why we use your data
We use your data for:
- statutory requirements such as reporting to government
- service delivery
- service improvement and planning
- regulatory and enforcement functions
- prevention and detection of crime
- financial transactions
- debt recovery
- payment of benefit and take up
- research
- equality monitoring
Why we can use your data
We can use your data if it is a legal obligation or public task under various UK laws including but not limited to:
- The Local Government Finance Act 1992
- Local Government Finance Act 1988
- Local Government Act 1972
- Social Security Administration Act 1992
- Social Security Contributions Act
- Housing Benefit Regulations 2006
- The Localism Act 2011
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Local Government Finance Act 2012
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
- Fraud Act 2006
- The Welfare Reform Act 2012
- Customer Support Grant – Welfare provision
Who we can share your data with
We can share your data with:
- judicial agencies such as courts
- police and other crime enforcement agencies
- Education Providers
- internal council departments such as empty homes, environmental health
- other local authorities
- Immigration Service
- government departments such as HM Revenue and Customs, Department of Work and Pensions, Department Communities and Local Government
- contractors providing revenues and benefits services such as off-site processing, personal budgeting support, emergency food provision and IT services
- elected members
- enforcement agents
- Cabinet Office (National Fraud Initiative Exercise)
When computers make any decisions about you
Not applicable.
When your data gets sent to other countries
Not applicable.
Council Tax privacy notice
Our Council Tax privacy notice outlines how we use our Council Tax database information.