Why we use your data
We use your data for:
- statutory requirements such as reporting to Government
- collection of council tax and rates
- service delivery
- service improvement and planning
- regulatory, licensing and enforcement functions
- prevention and detection of crime including fraud
- ordering of goods and services
- payment for goods and services
- payment of salaries, allowances and expenses
- payment of Housing Benefit and benefit take-up
- collection of charges made for services provided
- collection of overpaid housing benefit or debt
- insurance claims
- financial transactions
- payroll transactions
- collection of debt
- research including consultations
- traded services
- equality monitoring
Why we can use your data
We can use your data if it is a legal obligation or public task under various UK laws including but not limited to:
- The Local Government Finance Act 1988 (rates)
- The Local Government Finance Act 1992 (council tax)
- The Localism Act 2011
- The Equality Act 2010
We can also use your data if you’ve entered into a contract (traded services) or if you’ve consented by taking part in a consultation.
Who we can share your data with
We can share your data with:
- judicial agencies such as courts
- police and other crime enforcement agencies
- health agencies
- education providers
- other local authorities
- immigration service
- government departments such as HMRC, DWP
- private investigators and contracted third party investigation companies and enforcement agents (bailiffs)
- elected members & MPs (as your representative)
- contractors providing IT services
- Funding Bodies
- Cabinet Office (National Fraud Initiative Exercise)
When computers make any decisions about you
Not applicable.
When your data gets sent to other countries
Not applicable.