Parking issues outside schools

Medway like other areas, has an ongoing issue with inconsiderate and dangerous parking outside schools.

We have designed a new campaign called ‘Think Smart, Park Safe’, which promotes keeping roads and footpaths around our schools free from parked cars.

About the campaign

The Think Smart, Park Safe campaign is available to all schools within Medway and provides lots of resources to help educate the community on the dangers of unsafe parking. It also helps to encourage alternative options such as walking, cycling and park-and-stride.

The main aim of the campaign is to keep roads and footways outside schools free from parked cars. This is to help improve visibility and safety for pupils, teachers, and all other pedestrians and cyclists.

Resources for schools

Resources will be made available to any school that chooses to run the campaign. This includes a bespoke Think Smart, Park Safe banner that is available through our loan scheme.

The banner can be put up outside your school gates to help prevent illegal or unsafe parking. It will also help link-up with other resources on offer such as the Think Smart, Park Safe parent leaflet and posters.  

If your school is currently experiencing issues with unsafe parking outside the school gates and are interested in running the Think Smart, Park Safe Campaign, please contact the transport initiatives team for advice by emailing