Report a pothole

All roads and footways designated 'highway' within Medway are on a continuous rolling programme of safety inspections. The frequency of these inspections are determined according to a hierarchy, based on the Well Maintained Highways Code of Practice issued by the Department of Transport.

Inspections are carried out by qualified Highway Inspectors and during these inspections. Any necessary works are ordered with an appropriate priority for repair or they are passed onto the relevant officer to action.

The responsive maintenance team responds to enquiries from members of the public concerning possible defects on roads and footways. Each report will be investigated with a site visit and any repairs deemed necessary will be placed on order with our term contractor.

Report a defect

What you'll need

You’ll need the following information to provide a report including:

  • location information of the defect, including the road name
  • details of the severity and nature of the defect
  • your details, including name, address and contact details (if you would like to be contacted about your report)
  • any photos you have of the defect.

Report a pothole, road or pavement defect

What happens after

We'll attend the reported site to assess and order any safety defects meeting our criteria. We'll also respond to your report if you gave us your contact details.

If you've experienced injury or damage because of a pothole

You can make a claim to Medway Council for personal injury or damage. You must do this once you have reported the pothole to us.

Make a claim