Workers state of mind and the quality of attention they can give to children is directly related to the quality of support, care, and attention they themselves receive from supervision, managers, and peers.” (Ferguson)

Lori Goossen, Principal Social Worker


In Medway we believe staff care and staff development are top priorities for us. We know that supporting our staff's wellbeing enables them to better support the children and families they work with, and we want our staff to have the knowledge and skills they need to support families.

We want to grow our own staff and strongly support your career development with us.

Your development

As part of your development, you can expect to have:

  • an annual performance appraisal
  • a plan of personal development
  • access to learning and a career progression framework.

Our Practice Development Team are also available to support you with advice and guidance about your development needs.

Leadership programme

Medway is investing in the leadership of the organisation through the development of a corporate suite of training for existing and new managers. The programme is called ‘The Complete Medway Manager'. It will be aligned to the vision and values of the organisation and will provide leaders with the skills they need to do their role and provide support to their teams.

Career progression pathway

Medway has a career progression pathway for social workers from newly qualified through to head of service. At every stage of your career, you'll be supported by your manager and our Principal Social Work Team.

Find out more about our career progression scheme.

Our practice model - Signs of Safety

Signs of Safety provides a clear framework on how we work with families. It specifically focuses on solutions and is designed to help practitioners build better, stronger relationships with families by focusing on their strengths, networks, and resources.

Find out more about Signs of Safety.

Learning and development offer

Medway Children’s Services are proud to be able to offer an extensive learning and development offer to support you with your continuous professional development.

Staff conferences

Medway Children’s Services hosts a staff conference 3 times a year, where you'll hear about the great practice taking place across Medway. You can also learn together about a range of topics as well as seek feedback from staff.

Staff awards

Medway Council hosts an annual ‘Make a Difference Awards’ to recognise Medway Council employees who have gone above and beyond.