Register your interest
If you want to start your journey to becoming a healthy workplace you can register your interest in the programme.
Set up your organisation account
You'll need an organisation account to track your progress.
Meet us to start your Bronze Award
If you're eligible for the programme, we'll arrange a meeting to help you get started. This will involve:
- helping you start your Bronze Award form
- talking you through the pledges.
Upload Bronze pledge evidence
You'll now be able to log into your account and upload evidence for your 10 Bronze Award pledges. You can write up, upload your files and explain what pledge each piece of evidence is for.
Get your Bronze Award
Once you've uploaded evidence for all 10 Bronze pledges, we'll email you with your Bronze Award.

The Healthy Workplace Programme has supported us with initiatives including stop smoking, wellbeing kiosk loan, diabetes prevention, Mental Health First Aid training and even locally grown fresh fruit delivered to our offices. Ultimately we benefit from improved performance by healthier, more motivated employees.
Jackie Hall, MTS Cleansing Services Limited
Start your Silver or Gold Award
We'll advise you about starting your Silver or Gold Award and send you a link to the suggested pledges you can choose.
Having a staff wellbeing offer has improved the way we manage our small team and recruit staff by promoting a healthy workplace environment.
Matt Dean Director of Lustre Consulting Limited
Upload Silver or Gold Award evidence
If you're starting with Silver you can now start uploading evidence against your pledges (15 for Silver, 30 for Gold).
Get your Silver or Gold Award
You'll receive your Silver or Gold Award.

Our workplace health co-ordinator has been invaluable and through our joint efforts we were delighted to be awarded Gold status this year.
Karen Hand, Head of Human Resources, Medway Community Healthcare
Platinum Award
Once you have your Gold Award, you can start to work towards your Platinum Award.
To achieve this, you'll need to continue as a healthy workplace and show your wider influence.