How to spot wasps and wasp nests
Wasps have black and yellow striped bodies and two sets of wings. They are small in size and can leave humans with a painful sting.
Wasp nests are normally difficult to spot. They are often hidden away in areas such as lofts and trees.
Signs of wasp nests include:
- a stream of wasps entering and leaving one area
- nests that look like they are made from paper – wasps use chewed wood pulp and saliva
- nests built in sheltered spots with easy access to the outside.
Difference between wasps and bees
The treatments available for wasps and bees are different.
Bees are an endangered species and a nest may only be removed if it poses a threat to people nearby. We do not offer a pest control service for bees, you should contact your local bee keeper from the Medway Beekeepers Association.
There a few ways you can tell the difference between wasps and bees:
- wasps have much less hair on their bodies
- wasps have three main body parts – the head, thorax and abdomen
- only female wasps sting and can do so repeatedly
- wasps do not usually fly around in a swarm – if you think you're seeing this, it's likely to be honeybees.
Treat wasps yourself
It can be difficult to get rid of wasps yourself. If you disturb a nest, the wasps inside may attack and sting you as a form of defence, so it’s wise to get professional help.
If you want to try yourself, you can cover the nest in a pesticide spray you can buy from most hardware stores or garden centres.
You should:
- wear protective clothing
- approach the nest at night when the wasps are less active
- follow the instructions on the label
- ensure there are no risks for other people or animals nearby.
Find more information on how to get rid of wasps.
We cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or injury caused by following this advice.
Book a treatment
To book a treatment, please call us on 01634 283 215 to discuss the treatment we can offer.
Prevention tips
It’s almost impossible to try to prevent wasps from building nests.
There are some things you can do to reduce the chances of wasps being attracted to your property:
- keep food in sealed containers
- put rubbish bags in bins with fitted lids.
- clean up spillages as soon as they happen.