Medway Council declared a climate emergency in April 2019 and passed a motion committing to:

  • reduce its carbon footprint
  • provide the local community with a clean, green future
  • be a place people want to work and live, which has a sustainable future
  • establish a clear action plan for Medway to deal with climate change, setting out an achievable and clear timeline.

Our declaration fits into our Council Plan priority of making Medway a place to be proud of. The main outcome being a 'clean and green environment'.

Medway Climate change logo
Medway action plan

We're committed to achieving net zero carbon in Medway by 2050. We have developed an action plan to ensure we play our part in addressing the climate emergency.

We are currently refreshing our Climate Change Action Plan and are looking to launch the new version in 2025. We have also created a simplified action plan to increase accessibility.

If you have any comments, email us at

climate footprint illustration
Girl with SEND working
growing plant
electric charging point illustration
solar house illustration
Plastic bottle cross
electric bus
bees and plants illustration
What is going on