In November 2023, The National Lottery Heritage Fund named Medway as one of 9 places who will benefit from £200 million of investment as part of their 'Heritage Places' initiative. 

Heritage fund logo

The initiative responds to local need and opportunity, supporting places to use heritage to build pride in place, inspire local communities and power regeneration.

As part of the initial investment phase, we'll support Medway's heritage community to:

  • shape a long-term ambition for heritage in Medway
  • develop new ideas and approaches
  • unearth new stories which deserve to be told. 

We want to strengthen Medway’s existing heritage offer and support as many people and communities as possible to celebrate Medway’s people, places and stories.

Funding opportunities

This summer, grant funding will be made available to support pilot projects celebrating Medway’s:

  • high streets
  • town centres
  • houses and estates
  • parks and green spaces
  • the River Medway
  • cultures and traditions.

Throughout this period, applications remain open to The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s existing funding streams.

More about the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Your invitation to shape what happens next

On the 13 July, we're hosting an event to bring together everyone with an interest in Medway’s places and stories to shape the long term future of heritage in Medway. 

Anyone with an interest in Medway's past is invited, including:

  • all local community, voluntary or religious groups
  • businesses
  • heritage organisation
  • community members.

You can find out more and sign up for free via Eventbrite.

Read the Eventbrite privacy policy.

Sign up for your free place online

About the Heritage Fund

The National Lottery Heritage Fund is the largest funder for the UK’s heritage. Using money raised by National Lottery players, The National Lottery Heritage Fund support projects that connect people and communities to heritage.

Their vision is for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future. From historic buildings, our industrial legacy and the natural environment, to collections, traditions, stories and more. Heritage can be anything from the past that people value and want to pass on to future generations. The National Lottery Heritage Fund believe in the power of heritage to ignite the imagination, offer joy and inspiration, and to build pride in place and connection to the past.

The Medway Heritage Place programme is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we are able to bring Medway’s stories to life in new ways for new audiences.