Useful resources for professionals

You can use positive behaviour support (PBS) when an individual with a learning disability, autism or complex needs displays behaviours of concern that need addressing, and more socially-appropriate behaviours need promoting.

PBS has also been shown to be effective for individuals without additional needs.

How it complements other approaches

PBS is consistent with other treatment approaches that are person-centred or recovery-based. It does not work alongside restrictive or punishment-based interventions and is used instead of these approaches. PBS is grounded in applied behaviour analysis (ABA) psychology, which is the same grounding as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

Health conditions could be identified as an unmet need through PBS. The practitioner may refer the individual for additional services or seeks out advice from other professionals, as well as continuing to address unmet needs. PBS works to reduce the need for punishment or restrictiveness, such as restraint, seclusion and exclusions, or removal of privileges. It can also make homes, communities, and schools safer. The aim of PBS is to improve quality of life.

PBS takes a preventative and proactive approach, helping reduce the need for additional services, helping to free up resources for other individuals as well as preventing re-referrals.

PBS in Medway Council

PBS in Medway includes the following:

  • Expert Practitioner Network PBS practitioners who conduct functional behaviour assessments and create behavioural support plans as part of their existing caseload. They also provide support to each other and can receive clinical supervision to ensure continued professional development, as well as ensuring the service they provide is safe, ethical, competent, and compliant
  • awareness level training both externally, for example to foster carers and residential settings, as well as internally to our staff
  • Community of Practice that shares learning and experiences around learning disability, autism and complex needs with a focus around PBS
  • 2 schools who completed the EU pilot for schoolwide application of PBS: Saxon Way Primary School and Lordswood School
  • Kent and Medway have the PBS framework for placing our most complex individuals
  • Small Steps, which provides positive behaviour support and advice to families whose children are either pre and post diagnosis of ADHD and/or Autism.

Other useful resources for professionals

The following websites also have more information about positive behaviour support (PBS) and behaviour which challenges: