• Location: Rainham High Street and Parkwood on lamp posts and in shop windows.

Becky Vincer has installed a series of sign-based artwork to brighten up shopping areas within Rainham.

Sign artwork showing people and social distancing.

Believe in Kindness is a series of sign-based artworks that thank the community for taking care of each other.

The two installations remind people that despite being physically apart, we can still feel connected.

Positive messages are illuminating three business windows at Rainham Shopping Centre in the form of bespoke LED-neon signs, shining gentle reminders of kindness and love. They aim to warm hearts and make people smile.

In addition, playful road sign inspired artworks that show gratitude to visitors for following guidelines and being friendly to each other can be discovered on lamp posts at both Rainham Shopping Centre and Parkwood Green.

In these artworks, recognisable characters from road signs have been modified to represent the community doing their part to keep safe.

Although the signs subtly remind people to continue to physically distance, they also celebrate everyone who continues to do their best to be kind and considerate. 

Sign-based artwork examples

Artwork in a sign format showing people social distancing.
Sign artwork showing people playing football and social distancing.
Sign artwork showing dog walkers social distancing.
The rainbow effect logo, UK government logo and Medway Council logo