The amount of support you can get when you leave care depends on your age and circumstances.
See the different terms used to describe care leavers and the support we'll give you if you have been in our care below.
Care leaver status
You're an eligible care leaver if you:
- are aged 16 and 17
- have been in care for at least 13 weeks since the age of 14
- were still in care on your 16th birthday and at least 24 hours after.
Your support
We have a duty to support you up to the age of 18, wherever you're living.
You'll have an allocated social worker until you are 18.
When you are 17 a personal advisor will start to work with you. They will support you until you're 21, or in some cases 25.
Your entitlements
As an eligible young person, you're entitled to:
accommodation and living costs
a social worker and a personal adviser
a detailed assessment of your needs
a pathway plan which replaces your care plan
advice and support
an education pathway plan (EPP) and 6 monthly reviews
money to live on until you reach 18, and advice and support to manage your finances after this age
statutory visits at a frequency agreed at your Child in Care Review overseen by your Independent Reviewing Officer
statutory reviews chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer every 6 months until you are 18
a health assessment every 12 months until you are 18, and a full health history after your 18th birthday
opportunities for social activities, hobbies and cultural activities or outings.
You're a relevant care leaver if you:
- are 16 or 17 years old
- have been in care for at least 13 weeks since the age of 14
- left care after your 16th birthday.
Your entitlements
As a relevant care leaver, you're entitled to:
help to maintain suitable accommodation
a personal adviser
a detailed assessment of your needs
a pathway plan reviewed every 6 months
help to make sure that you get education, training and employment
advice and support
visits from a personal adviser within 7 days of you moving to a new property, and then every 8 weeks.
You're a former relevant care leaver if you:
- are 18 to 21 years old
- are 21 to 25 and in education or training, or have support needs and require further involvement from a personal adviser
- were eligible or relevant before and would like to continue getting support.
Your entitlements
You're entitled to:
a personal adviser
a pathway plan and 6-monthly reviews
help with education, training and employment
advice and support
visits from your personal adviser within 7 days of you moving to a new property, and then every 8 weeks while you're still getting support from us
financial support for equipment and costs for education
a higher education bursary of £2,000 if you're at university
vacation accommodation costs if in higher education or residential further education
access to local health, dental and optician services
a clothing allowance of £120 a year, usually £70 in winter and £50 in summer
a setting up home allowance when you secure a tenancy in your name
an assessment for the local council being a rent guarantor for a private renting tenancy
support with travel costs (travel warrants) as agreed by the leaving care manager
access to the specialist housing adviser, the aspirations officer and the parent support practitioner in the 16+ Service.
Support up to 25
If you ask for support up to 25, we will:
undertake a needs assessment and may allocate you a personal adviser
carry out an assessment to find out how we can support you
prepare a pathway plan with you to show how we or those around you will support you
help you with your educational and training needs, or any other area of need that we can help with. This could include help with expenses.
We'll also support you for as long as you're in education, in line with your pathway plan, even if past 21. If you take a break from education but plan on returning we will continue to support you.
If you request this support, we'll assess the appropriateness of the course. This will include finding out how it will help you achieve your goals.
The support we give might depend on the type of course, if it is part-time or full-time, and your income.
You're a qualifying care leaver if you:
- are under 21, or 25 if in education or training
- have been looked after or accommodated in other settings such as custody, and have returned home and stayed there for six months or more after your 16th birthday
- you were under a special guardianship order.
Your entitlements
As a qualifying care leaver, you're entitled to:
advice and support
financial help if assessed as needed
support with education, training and employment up to 25 years old
You are not entitled to a personal adviser or a pathway plan. In some circumstances, and depending on your needs, we may offer more support.
This may include:
keeping in contact
holiday accommodation if you're in further or higher education.
Contact us if you believe you're a qualifying care leaver and would like support.
You're entitled to the same level of care and support as any other care leaver if you:
- are a former unaccompanied child who qualifies as a care leaver
- and has been granted leave to remain
- or who has an outstanding asylum or other human rights claim or appeal.
Your needs assessment
We'll carry out a needs assessment as part of your pathway plan. In this assessment, we must consider your needs as an unaccompanied child or victim of modern slavery. An independent reviewing officer will then review your pathway plan.
If you're unaccompanied or you have been trafficked from overseas, the plan may include:
issues relating to your immigration status
advice and support you need to engage in a timely and effective way with the process to resolve your status.
Future plans
If your long-term future is in the United Kingdom (UK) we'll need to consider the challenges and issues facing you. This may include education or preparing for independent living.
If you have been granted refugee status or humanitarian protection, we'll help you plan for your leave to remain application.
Your personal advisor will help you understand the roles and responsibilities of the people working with you.
When making plans we'll consider your risk of becoming socially isolated. We'll reduce this risk by considering your language and cultural factors.
We'll also consider the risks of exploitation when you leave care.