A better Medway

Achieve your own personalised weight loss goals during this 12-week online programme approved by NHS Digital. 

Here's an overview of what we'll cover each week:

Week 1

Your journey starts here!

<p>You'll either have a call with your health coach or go straight to app coaching where you will learn all about the coming 12 weeks. You’ll create some personal goals which will help motivate you on your journey.</p>

Your journey starts here!

"The key thing is the support from the coach. They provide back up through the early stages. There is no embarrassment, everything is confidential and the chat on the app is great, anything you are thinking about you can get feedback on."


Week 2

Eating a balanced diet using the 'T Plate’

<p>We’ll look at the ‘T Plate’ concept. We’ll explore principles of healthy eating including portions and nutritional information.</p>

Eating a balanced diet using the 'T Plate&rsquo;

Week 3

Time to get physical!

<p>We’ll discuss the benefits of keeping active and the different ways to do so even if you are a total beginner!</p>

Time to get physical!

"When I started, initially my goal was weight loss. As I was going through the programme, this changed more to working towards a healthier lifestyle. It's a nice bonus when you are losing weight, but it is ultimately about feeling better about yourself and physically."


Week 4

The psychology of eating

<p>Have you ever thought about why you choose the things you do when it comes to diet and lifestyle? Understand the true link between your thoughts, feelings and food choices.</p>

Week 5

Behaviour change

<p>Learn how to make simple and effective changes like checking nutritional labels on food items.</p>

Behaviour change

"I am more body positive and confident now and my biggest problem is that none of my clothes fit!"


Week 6

Time to go supermarket shopping

<p>Together we’ll develop meal plans that suit you, taking into account how to budget during your weekly food shop.</p>

Time to go supermarket shopping

Week 7

Put everything you’ve learned to the test, independent from your coach!

<p>We will also look at how negative emotions can impact our eating habits.</p>

"Logging meals keeps me motivated because I know I can keep track of what I am eating and this grounds me"


Week 8

Living with diabetes

<p>If you're diagnosed with diabetes, we'll look at how you can fit diabetes around your lifestyle. And we'll answer any questions you may have.</p>

Living with diabetes

Week 9

Time to try some mindful eating

<p>This is a great week to touch base with your coach. We will also try some mindful eating together and discuss the benefits of mindfulness.</p>

Time to try some mindful eating

"I have managed to maintain longer term lifestyle changes since finishing the programme and feel so good for it"


Week 10

Understanding how our eating habits affect the environment

<p>We hope you are starting to feel more confident maintaining your healthy habits. This week we’ll look at environmentally friendly behaviours you can put in place such as reducing food waste and cutting down on red meats.</p>

Week 11

Nourishing your mind

<p>This week, make note of anything you want to raise with your coach for your final check in! Together we are going to pay attention to our mental health and look at what we can do to positively impact it.</p>

Nourishing your mind

Week 12

You have made it to the end of your one-to-one coaching - congratulations!

<p>Now it's time to reflect on how far you have come and celebrate your achievements! Remember you have lifetime access to Oviva Learn so you can use this to self-monitor and see continuous improvements.</p>

You have made it to the end of your one-to-one coaching - congratulations!

"The support provided by my dietitian was excellent. She gave kept me motivated throughout. The programme has changed my life in so many ways. I am now full of confidence and have so much energy"


Sign up today

Phone 01634 334 814 to sign up to the Oviva weight management programme.

Our phone line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

To access the app you need to have a BMI (body mass index) of 25 or higher.